1965 Press Kit catalog number MG1965
folder with Inuagural Guide; General Orders, Ball Invitation; press releases, telephone numbers, Inauguaral committee contacts; very good condition
folder with Inuagural Guide; General Orders, Ball Invitation; press releases, telephone numbers, Inauguaral committee contacts; very good condition
spiral bound, approx 150 pages, very good to excellent condition; loaded with informations for broadcasters covering the inauguration.
very good to excellent condition; approx 175 pages; loaded with information
Media Guide with a booklet of additional Historical information; very good condition; approx 175 pages;
folder with loose press releases, photos, etc; approx 100 pages; very good condition
very good to excellent condition; perfect bound; approx 150 pages
like new condition; perfect bound; approx 200 pages
very good to excellent condition; spiral bound; approx 250+ pages
excellent condition; looseleaf; aprox 150+ pages
looseleaf binder issued for the media by the District of Coloumbia government. loaded with information about DC and the Inauguration. excellent condition
like new condition; loaded with information
like new condition; 120 pages
like new condition; 120 pages