PH-29 George W Bush President
nice 8 x 10 color photo; prited signature
nice 8 x 10 color photo; printed signature; comew with a secretarial transmittal letter on WHite House letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; printed signature
nice 8 x 6 color photo; printed signature
nice 8 x 10 color photo; printed signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on WHite House letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; printed signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on WHite House letterhead
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; authentic signature
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signed in person; Authentic signature
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature is authentic; comes with a secretarial transmittal note
nice 8 x 10 color photo; NO signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Defese Department letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; printed signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Justice Department letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be printed; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Treasury Department letterhead; along with a biographical page
nice 8 x 10 color photo; authentic signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Labor Department letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be printed; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Justice Department letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; authentic signature; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Homeland Security Department letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; authentic signature
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be printed; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on HUD letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be printed
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter on Agriculture Department letterhead