Large Gerald Ford Swearing In Photo signed by Betty Ford (Deceased)
8 x 10 black and white photo mounted on large (11 x 13) board of Gerald Ford's swearning in ceremony; signed by Betty Ford; signature is authentic
8 x 10 black and white photo mounted on large (11 x 13) board of Gerald Ford's swearning in ceremony; signed by Betty Ford; signature is authentic
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; signatures are authentic; comes with a secretarial transmittal letter attesting to its authenticty
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; NO signature
Signed letter from Congressman Gerald Ford; signature is authentic; on Congressional letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo with two signatures; signature is authentic
nice thank you letter for support in presidential campaign; signature is probably printed
letter on White House letterhead; regarding SS Mayaguez; signature is probably printed
Envelope signed returned address from Squeaky Fromme who attempted to assassinated Gerald Ford. Authentic Signature
unused free frank envelope from the Vice President
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; signature is authentic
nice letter regarding support for a Seminary; signature is authentic