PH-140 Bill Clinton President
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen
nice 8 x 10 color photo; NO signature; comes with original White House envelope
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopencomes with original White House envelope and secretarial transmittal letter on White House letterhead
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen; comes with original White House envelope and secretarial transmittal letter on White House letterhead
nice 8 x 10 printed drawing; comes with letter and Certificate of Authenticity (for the drawing, NOT the signatures) from the Democratic National Committee
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen; comes with White House envelope
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be autopen; comes with a signed transmittal letter--signature appears to authentic
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; signature appears to be authentic; comes with a secretariel transmittal letter attesting to its authenticity
nice 8 x 10 black and white photo; signature appears to be autopen
Nice SIGNED program for awarding Honorary Degree to her; signature is authentic; comes with original United Nations envelope and note
nice 8 x 10 color photo; signature appears to be authentic; comes with a signed transmittal letter attesting to its authenticity
nice letter on White House letterhead; signature is authentic